State of the Planet reviews and publishes each report and its chapters in separated volumes. Thereby, each volume has its own set of editors and there is no overall editorial board on a continuous basis.

Editorial board of the 8th Copernicus Ocean State Report (OSR8)

  • Marilaure Gregoire (editor in chief), University of Liege, Belgium
  • Martha Marcos, University of Balearic Islands, Spain
  • Joanna Staneva, Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon, Germany
  • Pierre Brasseur, IGE, CNRS, Grenoble INP, IRD, UGA (UMR 5001 / UR252), France
  • Gilles Garric, Mercator Ocean international, France
  • Piero Lionello, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy
  • Johannes Karstensen, Geomar, Germany
  • Griet Neuckermans, Ghent University, Belgium

Editorial board of Sea Level Rise in Europe: 1st Assessment Report of the Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise

  • Bart van den Hurk (editor in chief), Deltares, The Netherlands
  • Nadia Pinardi (editor in chief), University of Bologna, Italy
  • Kate Larkin, EMODnet, Belgium
  • Kristin Richter, NORCE, Norway
  • Petra Manderscheid, JPI Climate, Belgium
  • Thorsten Kiefer, JPI Oceans, Belgium